How can My Loved One is Missing help?

Sometimes, police jump on missing persons cases and put in a lot of effort to find the person. Sometimes, they don't. Either way, families and friends of a missing person start making calls and searching for their loved one with or without police assistance. When family or friends of a missing person contact us, we assist with creating fliers and social media posts to raise awareness and provide referrals for further in-person assistance. 

On Facebook and Instagram, we boost these cases as "advertisements" to put them on the screens of social media users located in the same area where your missing loved one was last seen. We can assist with reaching out to hospitals, shelters and local businesses. If the missing person may be in the Denver Metro area, we can assist with searching in-person, depending on our availability at the time. We are always willing to share any missing persons case! We do not discriminate for any reason, and fully believe that every missing human being deserves to be found. 

We also assist with locating next of kin for unclaimed persons cases and assist people with finding estranged relatives and old friends. 

I'm not comfortable dealing with the police, but I want to find my missing loved one. Will you still help?

ABSOLUTELY. We understand that many people have legitimate reasons to fear police or not trust them. We are happy to offer the same services with or without police involvement. However, if the case gets to a point where a serious crime may have occurred (murder, kidnapping, etc.), we do have to get the police involved. The main setback we encounter when police are not involved is that most major news stations will not air missing persons cases unless police have verified the case and given them permission.

I called hospitals looking for my missing loved one, but they won't give me information. Now what?

Due to HIPPA, most hospitals will not release information unless a patient gives them permission. If your loved one is listed as a 'Doe' in the hospital, they may not state whether or not any unidentified individuals are in their facility. It is best to have police check the hospitals, but I have dealt with cases where the police have delayed doing this step for many days while the missing person is actually there receiving care. The best thing to do is visit the hospital in person with a photo of your missing loved one, and proof of your relationship. 

I think my missing loved one is homeless. How do I find them? 

In my experience with shelters, many have been able to tell me over the phone whether or not they have seen someone matching the description of the missing person we are looking for. Some have allowed me to come in person and place a photo and message, or flier, on their message boards. It's important to remember that many unhoused people do not feel safe sleeping in shelters, and will choose encampments or choose to sleep on the streets. If you are searching these areas, it is important to keep yourself safe! Dress in older clothes that you don't mind getting dirty, don't bring anything valuable and try to blend in. It can take time, but it is very possible to locate an unhoused person. Private investigator, Lindsey Paison, has a proven track record for locating unhoused missing persons and we often refer families to her. 

My missing loved one's case has gone cold. What can I do?

This is the unfortunate reality for thousands of cases! The best thing to do is to keep the case alive on social media and don't give up! We can assist with creating groups and pages for your missing loved one. If your loved one is not listed in the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUS), we can assist with that as well.