Unlisted Missing Persons
These are missing people from Colorado that are not listed in NamUs or the Colorado Cold Case Database.
If a law enforcement agency accepted a missing persons report, they are listed in the Colorado Crime Information Center (CCIC), which is linked to the National Crime Information Center (NCIC). These databases are NOT publicly accessible.
Most of these photos are linked to Facebook posts shared by their friends and family members in the Missing People from the State of Colorado Facebook Group.
Please fill out this form if your loved one has been missing for more than 30 days and law enforcement declined a missing persons report.
E-mail admin@mylovedoneismissing.com if you would like for your missing loved one to be added to our database.
These are missing people whose names were shared on social media by law enforcement agencies without photos or details.
Michele Denise Chapman
Greeley, Colorado
Edilson Coj-Chingo
Greeley, Colorado
Autumn Lahr
Greeley, Colorado
Thomas Velasquez-Tomas
Greeley, Colorado
Bryson Zembsch
Greeley, Colorado